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What Is Human Bingo?

The Autograph Game, also known as Human Bingo, is an icebreaker that allows people to learn interesting information about one another. People mix and roam around the room until they discover someone who matches the facts on a bingo-style sheet.

This is an icebreaker designed to get to know you. Big or extra-large is the suggested group size. A party of roughly 25 individuals is ideal for this game. It can be played both inside and outside. Print bingo sheets and pens are essential materials. 12 years old and higher.

Set up for the Game

The goal of this game is for the players to walk around the room collecting signatures from those who know the facts on the bingo sheet. When a player completes an entire row (5 in a row), whether horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, they shout "BINGO!" " and wins.

Preparation is required for this game. Prepare a 5 by 5 table with boxes filled with intriguing data. These facts may include amusing or unusual information. For example:

●Enjoys anchovies
●Has visited Hawaii
●More than two languages fluent
●Has never flown before.
●Has a total of four brothers
●Has gone more than three days without showering

Like traditional bingo games, you can designate the middle square "FREE SPACE." After you've set up the table, print enough copies for the amount of players you expect.

Game Instructions

Give each participant a page of paper and a pen. Explain the game's goal and rules:

●Each person you speak with can only sign your sheet once,
●To win, you must collect 5 signatures in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Say "Go! " and invite your audience to begin.

"Bingo!" is yelled once. "Everyone returns, and the person who signed his or her document must introduce the others who signed it." You can ask each participant to explain their fact if you want. This icebreaker game is a fantastic way to learn about people's funny or unique information.

Bingo Plus, Rafael Rabaya Rd, Talisay, Cebu, Philippines.